Our Philosophy


Financial Counseling Planning

Providing personal financial counseling services where people live within their means by creating a workable, sound budget, cutting expenses, funding an emergency fund, addressing credit issues, and establishing and increasing their savings. – Building A Personal Financial Foundation.

College Financial Planning 

The cost of a college education has skyrocketed over the years. Our goal is to provide strategies and resources on saving for college, paying for college, college admissions, FAFSA application, and student loan options to make a sound decision on pursuing a skill, trade, or post-secondary education - Building A College Financial Blueprint.

Personal Financial Planning 

We evaluate your whole financial picture by providing financial planning services where people consider your entire financial picture. Help you organize all the pieces of your financial picture. We will assess your current resources, establish target goals, and create strategies to pursue them - Creating A Personal Financial Plan.

Personal Retirement Planning   

We will help you understand all aspects of retirement planning. In addition, we are providing retirement planning education, resources, options, strategies, and tools to make an informed decision on whether you can afford to retire and when you should leave for your retirement - Establishing A Retirement Plan That You Can Envision.

Business and Economic News  

Knowing the current business and economic conditions is integral to personal finances, financial planning, college planning, retirement planning, and understanding this global economy. Therefore, FPS will provide weekly and monthly business and economic news updates - Affecting Your Finances.

Trust is essential

We value building personal relationships with you - "Your Financial Education and Financial Planning Partner."